Chapitre 224 - Imitated gaiety (chap out)

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Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 40
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005, 09:52
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Chapitre 224 - Imitated gaiety (chap out)

Message par 7h0r »

merci à Kanon d'avoir trouvé un résumé plus conséquent sur Animesuki :
Unfortunately it turns out that the person who wanted Hitsugaya to stay behind was Hinamori. Anyway Hitsugaya gets the cover this week, Rangiku leaves Hitsugaya asks hinamori if she is well enough to walk around. She starts being annoying from the get go by bringing up stuff in the past mainly attacking without thinking. Hitsugaya doesn't care about it anymore and tells her to go back to sleep and starts teasing her about her growth and after she gets angry she teases him back. She then asks what he intends to do with Aizen and if he will kill him. She asks him not to kill Aizen but to save him. She goes on whining that she knows he's doing bad things but he must have a reason and that Gin and him must be under someone else's control. Yamamoto jumps up to my favorites ranking by knocking her out and saying it's a bit too early still for her. Hitsugaya gets all hardcore about Aizen again then switch to a flashback at Urahara's of Renji feeling like a big man after picking on Chad.

Then Renji and co are eating dinner. He asks Urahara why he asked him to help out with Chad. Urahara says because he can use bankai then renji argues saying he can do it as well. Urahara then jokes about how he is merely an ero handsome store owner and has no reason to use his bankai. Renji says he knows a lot about urahara how he was the former captain of the 12th and developed the hougyoku. Urahara teases him about knowing alot, then he tricks Renji into working at his store for 3 months doing odd jobs if he wants him to answer whatever Renji wants to ask. After their agreement back to working with chad then scene change to Ichigo and his new buddies. Him and Hiyori are being themselves again and he seems to be fitting in like he was a regular the vaizard hangout. Chapter ends with Orihime just outisde their location saying that's the place.
script trouvé sur mangahelpers :
Hitsugaya ? "Hi...Hinamori."

Hinamori ? "Hitsugaya-kun."

BLEACH 224 ? Imitated gaiety

Cover page - The light of a tiny, tiny spirit shines in the darkness. "Slightly wavering light, please don't go out."

*Rangiku leaves the room

Hitsugaya ? "So you finally woke up. Hinamori...are you okay to walk around now?"

Hinamori ? Yeah...I'm okay!"

Hitsugaya - "...I see... (You certainly don't seem alright, idiot...)"

Hinamori ? I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Hitsugaya-kun. I suspected you of...I pointed my sword at you...something really must've happened to me...I?m really"

Hitsugaya - "...You can't keep worrying about that, idiot. I don't even care about that so you can stop worrying about that and get some more rest to get rid of those dark circles under your eyes."

Hinamori ? "Yeah...thank you, Hitsugaya-kun."

Hitsugaya ? "Also, even if you aren't one you look like a little kid so you need double the rest of other people or else you'll stop growing! Look at Matsumoto! You'd have to sleep for another 10 years straight just to catch up to her!"

Hinamori ? "Shu...shut up! Rangiku-san is special! Also, I don't wanna be told about growing up by you!!!"

Hinamori ? "Hinamori! Don't make me keep telling you! It's Captain Hitsugaya, not Hitsugaya-kun."

Hinamori - "...Yeah...that's true. Can I ask you something, Hitsugaya-kun?"

Hitsugaya ? "What?"

Hinamori ? "Will you...fight Captain Aizen, Hitsugaya-kun?"

Hitsugaya - "...Yeah."

Hinamori ? "Will you kill Aizen...? Please save Captain Aizen...!"

Hitsugaya ? "Hinamori...!!"

Hinamori ? "What Captain Aizen is doing is bad...but he must have his reasons for doing that...Yeah!...Captain Aizen is definitely being forced to by Captain Ichimaru or someone..."

**Yamamoto makes Hinamori lose consciousness.

Yamamoto ? "Sorry, I wanted to respect her wishes and let her speak...but it seems like it was a bit too soon for that..."

Hitsugaya ? "No...thank you."

Yamamoto ? "Captain Hitsugaya."

Hitsugaya ? "I'll take my leave now."

Hitsugaya (now totally pissed) ? "Aizen...!"

*Scene changes to the shop

Chad ? "Ooooooooooh."

Renji ? "What's wrong!! Your power's dropping!?"

Chad ? "No...that?s not true..."

**Urahara, looking on, has a little flashback.

*Eating at Urahara's shop

Renji ? "Help with training!? Why me!?"

Urahara ? "Well, even if I turn you away it doesn't seem like you'll leave."

Renji ? "That's not an answer! He came here asking YOU for help so you're the one who should do that."

Urahara ? "What's necessary to strengthen Sado-san further is bankai (basically Chad needs to train against someone who is in bankai mode if he wants to get any stronger)".
Renji ? "If that's the case then it's all the more reason for you to do that! You can use bankai after all."

Urahara ? "Nooo! There's no way I, a mere handsome and sexy shopkeeper, could possibly use bankai!"

Renji ? "Do you not know anything about all of this!? The fact that you were Captain of the 12th division and that you created the hougyoku was all let out in the open a long time ago!"

Urahara ? "I know all that~"

Renji ? "Let go of me!! I'll hit you!! This is the first time I've met someone who pisses me off just by talking to him."

Urahara ? "It's no good. My bankai is simply not the kind of bankai that can be used for training people or lending people power...Ah, I got it! Then let's take care of things like this! Abarai-san, you had something that you wanted to ask me, but it was too much of a bother so I've just been aimlessly trying to avoid you."

Jinta ? (mental) "that's why you've been avoiding him...?"

Urahara ? "Then how's about we make a deal. Abarai-san, if you will take care of the odd jobs/ chores around here for three months then I will answer any question you want."

Renji ? "Since...since when is being a training partner a chore/odd job."

Urahara ? "Oh it's a chore/odd job, risking your life and keeping busy are all the same. Or maybe the things you wanted to ask me...hmm, do you just wanna give up on asking them?"

Renji ? "I got it...I'll do it!"

Tessai ? (mental) "In the confusion he managed to push not only training (on Renji) but all chore duties as well..."

Jinta ? (mental) "...that red pineapple head is such an idiot."

Ururu ? (mental) "dummy..."

*Scene returns to the present time.

Urahara ? (mental) "For someone who complained about not wanting to do this...Abarai-san sure does seem to be into it now. Sado-san, you're abilities still have room to grow...that much is certain. Also, by fighting against bankai you will certainly take that next step forward...the only thing that worries me is that your abilities aren't like those of a shinigami or a quincy...yes...your ability is almost like..."

*Scene changes to Ichigo and the others

Ichigo lets out a scream and breaks off his mask.

Hiyori ? "I told you not to go out of hollow mode without permission, idiot!!!" *kicks Ichigo

Ichigo ? "*Cough!!* Are you an idiot!! It would have been dangerous if I hadn't gotten out of it just now!!"

Hiyori ? "Such a loud mouth! Going to the point of danger is what training is all about!! If you're gonna keep underestimating it then just quit!!"

Ichigo ? "What did you just say!?"

Vaizard 1 - "Those two actually get along pretty well."

Vaizard 2 - "Yeah."

*Scene changes to Orihime

*Finding the warehouse

Orihime ? "In there..."
et voilà une premiere version trad en anglais dispo sur bt également : ici
Dernière modification par 7h0r le 22 avr. 2006, 12:04, modifié 10 fois.
Etudiant Shinigami 6eme année
Messages : 291
Inscription : 18 oct. 2005, 13:38

Message par ^^ »

hé bé ! je me demande bien ce que hinamori a de beau à raconter, peut etre une déclaration d'amour !

par contre bonne surprise, si j ai bien compris, inoue va rencontrer les vizards !

c bon ça :D
Shinigami 15eme siège
Messages : 313
Inscription : 29 sept. 2005, 10:15

Message par dcn »

Hinamori pense que Aizen est innocent et qu'il a eté incité par Gin :(

Ichigo ca y'est il va plus a l'ecole et reste dans son garage pourri ^^ par sur que Isshin approuve tout ca :D
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 40
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005, 09:52
Localisation : Bretagne
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Message par 7h0r »

ca parle aussi pas mal de ban kai, Sado en aurait aussi un équivalent et le but de ce combat contre Renji semble etre de le pousser dans ses derniers retrenchements.
dcn a écrit :Ichigo ca y'est il va plus a l'ecole et reste dans son garage pourri ^^ par sur que Isshin approuve tout ca
c'est net, jveux bien voir qu'elle sera sa réaction quand il apprendra qu'il passe ses journées dans un endroit comme ca ^^

mais surtout j'ai hate de voir comment ils vont accueillir Inoue
Arrancar Numéro 19
Messages : 3393
Inscription : 26 mai 2005, 16:32

Message par Kanon »

Pris sur Animesuki:
"Imitated Gaiety"

Unfortunately it turns out that the person who wanted Hitsugaya to stay behind was Hinamori. Anyway Hitsugaya gets the cover this week, Rangiku leaves Hitsugaya asks hinamori if she is well enough to walk around. She starts being annoying from the get go by bringing up stuff in the past mainly attacking without thinking. Hitsugaya doesn't care about it anymore and tells her to go back to sleep and starts teasing her about her growth and after she gets angry she teases him back. She then asks what he intends to do with Aizen and if he will kill him. She asks him not to kill Aizen but to save him. She goes on whining that she knows he's doing bad things but he must have a reason and that Gin and him must be under someone else's control. Yamamoto jumps up to my favorites ranking by knocking her out and saying it's a bit too early still for her. Hitsugaya gets all hardcore about Aizen again then switch to a flashback at Urahara's of Renji feeling like a big man after picking on Chad.

Then Renji and co are eating dinner. He asks Urahara why he asked him to help out with Chad. Urahara says because he can use bankai then renji argues saying he can do it as well. Urahara then jokes about how he is merely an ero handsome store owner and has no reason to use his bankai. Renji says he knows a lot about urahara how he was the former captain of the 12th and developed the hougyoku. Urahara teases him about knowing alot, then he tricks Renji into working at his store for 3 months doing odd jobs if he wants him to answer whatever Renji wants to ask. After their agreement back to working with chad then scene change to Ichigo and his new buddies. Him and Hiyori are being themselves again and he seems to be fitting in like he was a regular the vaizard hangout. Chapter ends with Orihime just outisde their location saying that's the place.
Elle est toujours complètement à l'Ouest suis sûr qu'Urahara n'utilise pas son bankai tout simplement parce qu'il est beaucoup trop puissant 8)

Ichigo a l'air d'être devenu bien pote avec les Vizards maintenant. Bon j'ai pas le temps de faire une trad complète, donc démerdez vous :roll: :lol:
Etudiant Shinigami 6eme année
Messages : 240
Inscription : 30 janv. 2006, 23:11
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Message par DarkS@D »

Kanon a écrit :Pris sur Animesuki:

... Yamamoto jumps up to my favorites ranking by knocking her out and saying it's a bit too early still for her.
Voila quelqu'un qui n'aime visiblement pas Hinamori ... :D En même temps, c'est vrai qu'au niveau boulet, elle a un sacré niveau (genre il m'a tuée, mais c'est pas grave ...)

Par contre, Urahara qui ne veut pas utiliser son bankai, je suis sûr qu'il y a une raison plus importante qu'une simple surpuissance. Comme on dit, wait and see ...
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 40
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005, 09:52
Localisation : Bretagne
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Message par 7h0r »

c'est terrible qu'il arrive à passer en mode hollow maintenant, j'aurai pas cru ca arriver si vite :p
DarkS@D a écrit :Par contre, Urahara qui ne veut pas utiliser son bankai, je suis sûr qu'il y a une raison plus importante qu'une simple surpuissance.
ca serait pourtant marrant que ca soit vraiment ca ^^ hop il sort son bankai et tout est détruit de partout... bon d'accord ca a pas l'air très crédible ^^
Dernière modification par 7h0r le 20 avr. 2006, 14:00, modifié 1 fois.
Etudiant Shinigami 6eme année
Messages : 222
Inscription : 18 mai 2005, 17:43

Message par shiro »

merci pour le résumé :D

hey mais Hinamori elle sert vraiment à rien mdr toujours à l'ouest ... -_-
par contre Inoue qui rencontre les vizards ça je ne m'y attendais pas

question : comment a-t-elle fait pour retrouver Ichigo? avec son é nergie certes, mais rukia avait bien essayer de le retrouver sans succès ou alors j'ai mal lu ^^
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 40
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005, 09:52
Localisation : Bretagne
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Message par 7h0r »

shiro a écrit :question : comment a-t-elle fait pour retrouver Ichigo? avec son é nergie certes, mais rukia avait bien essayer de le retrouver sans succès ou alors j'ai mal lu ^^
pendant que Ichigo était derrière les barrière de Love, les autres devaient pas pouvoir sentir son energie spirituelle, et maintenant qu'il en est sorti on peut penser qu'ils peuvent de nouveau la sentir, ce qui expliquerait pourquoi Inoue peut arriver à retrouver le batiment où sont les vizards
Etudiant Shinigami 6eme année
Messages : 274
Inscription : 16 sept. 2005, 19:10
Localisation : Canada, QUÉBEC!!!

Message par Vade »

mais non inoue le retrouve grace a son odeur (tome 2 la parti avec kon) :D
bon pour le reste hinamori... mais quelle conne... aizen la transpercer avec son épée et elle le crois toujours gentil. Je crois que quand il la transpercer elle ses cogner la tête :?: parceque s'en en devien presque ridicul. mais en tout cas chad qui sentraine avec renjie et lui ce demande pourquoi urahara nutilise pas son bakai jespere qu'il va etre surpuissant moi son bankai :)
Etudiant Shinigami 6eme année
Messages : 222
Inscription : 18 mai 2005, 17:43

Message par shiro »

mdr Vade
oui c'est sans doute à cause de la barrière

bah pour Chad peu-etre que son bankaï sera l'armure entière :p
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 40
Inscription : 21 juil. 2005, 09:52
Localisation : Bretagne
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Message par 7h0r »

la raw de naruto est sorti pour ceux que ca interesse, donc on peut esperer que celle de bleach devrait pas trop tarder... comment ca je reve ??
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 42
Inscription : 19 avr. 2006, 22:16

Message par loupdefeu »

Meuh non, le bankai de chad, c'est un tank^^
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Etudiant Shinigami 1ere année
Messages : 12
Inscription : 31 mars 2006, 15:03
Localisation : Hueco Mundo

Message par classic973 »

bouh je n'arrive plus a acceder a ritual j'ai perdu mon pass et je n'arrive pas a afficher les chiffre qu'il faut taper quand on a perdu son pass ... bref hinamori je te jure quelle co.... enfin euh naive je veux dire ... bon alors ichigo a finalement sympatiser avec les vyzards !!! :oops:
Etudiant Shinigami 2eme année
Messages : 25
Inscription : 09 déc. 2005, 19:24

Message par kayblast »

Idem pour moi impossible de me loger chez ritual, bref Inamori est toujours aussi omnibulée par Aizen, et je viens de re regarder il est fort possible qu'elle se soit cognée la tete en tombant ... :o :!: